Thursday 2 January 2014

Current Syllabus of University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan

The Current And Fresh Syllabus of the University of the Punjab, Lahore

Syllabus M.A. English Part-I & II
University of the Punjab, Lahore


(Outlines of Tests)    Marks

Paper I   (Classical Poetry)     100

Paper II  (Drama)                100

Paper III (Novel)                100

Paper IV  (Prose)                100

Paper V   (American Literature)  100
                           Total 500

Paper I: (Classical Poetry)

1. Chaucer
   - The Prologue

2. Milton
   - Paradise Lost Books I & IX

3. Donne
   - Love/Divine Poems

4. Pope
   - The Rape of the Lock.

5. Wyatt
   - The Long Love That in My Thought Doth Harbor,
   - Whose List to Hunt,
   - Madam Withouen Many Words,
   - They Flee from Me.
   - Is it Possible Forget Not Yet,
   - What should I say Stand who so list.

6. Surrey
   - My Friend the Things That Do Attain Love,
   - That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought,
   - So Cruel Prison,
   - Wyatt Resteth Here.

Paper II: (Drama)

1. Sophocles
   - Oedipus Rex

2. Marlowe
   - Dr. Faustus

3. Shakespeare
   - Othello
   - The Winter’s Tale

4. Wilde
   - The Importance of Being Earnest

Paper III: (Novel)

1. Trollope
   - Barchester Towers

2. Jane Austen
   - Pride & Prejudice

3. G. Eliot
   - Adam Bede

4. Dickens
   - A Tale of Two Cities

5. Hardy
   - The Return of the Native

Paper IV: (Prose)

1. Bacon
   - Of Truth
   - Of Death
   - Of Revenge
   - Of Adversities
   - Of Simulation and Dissimulation
   - Of Parents and Children
   - Of Great Place
   - Of Nobilitie
   - Of Superstition
   - Of Friendship
   - Of Ambition Of Studies

2. Jonathan Swift
   - Gulliver’s Travels

3. Bertrand Russell
   - Unpopular Essays

4. Edward Said
   - Only the introduction to the book entitled “Culture and Imperialism”

5. Seamus Heaney
   - Only the essay “The Redress of Poetry” from the book entitled The Redress of Poetry

Paper V: (American Literature)


1. Adrienne Rich
   - Diving into the Wreck
   - Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
   - Final Notation
   - Gabriel

2. Sylvia Plath
   - Ariel
   - Morning Song
   - Poppies in October
   - The Bee Meeting
   - The Arrival of the Bee Box
   - Your

3. Richard Wilbur
   - Still Citizen Sparrow
   - After the last Bulletin
   - Marginalia

4. John Ashbury
   - Melodic Train
   - Painter


1. O’Neil
   - Mourning becomes Electra
     (only the First of the Trilogy which is titled
     ‘The Home Coming’ is included in the M.A. Syllabus)

2. Miller
  - The Crucible


1. Ernest Hemingway
   - For whom the Bell Tolls

2. Toni Morrison
   - Jazz



he first four papers are compulsory, the other four are optional. The candidates are required to opt for any one of the four optional papers.

Compulsary Papers

Paper I   (Poetry II)               100

Paper II  (Drama II)                100

Paper III (Novel II)                100

Paper IV  (Literary Criticism)      100

Optional Papers

Paper V    (Short Stories)          100

Paper VI   (Literature in English   100
           Around the World)    

Paper VII  (Linguistics)            100

Paper VIII (Essay)                  100

                              Total 500

Paper I: (Poetry II)


1. Blake
   A Selection from Songs of Innocence & Experience:
   - Auguries of Innocence
   - The Sick Rose
   - London
   - A Poison Tree
   - A Divine Image
   - From Milton: And Did Those Feet
   - Holy Thursday (I)
   - The Tyger
   - Ah, Sun Flower
   - Holy Thursday (II)

2. Coleridge
   - The Ancient Mariner
   - Kubla Khan    - Dejection: An Ode

3. Keats
   - Hyperion Book I
   - Ode to Autumn
   - Ode to a Nightingale
   - Ode on a Grecian Urn


1. Philip Larkin
   - Mr. Bleaney
   - Church Going
   - Ambulances
   - 1914

2. Seamus Heaney
   - Personal Helicon    - Tolland Man
   - A Constable Calls
   - Toome Road
   - Casting and Gathering

3. Ted Hughes
   - Thought Fox    - Chances
   - That Morning
   - Full Moon and Freida

Paper II: (Drama II)

1. Ibsen
   - Hedda Gabler

2. Chekov
   - The Cherry Orchard

3. Brecht
   - Galileo Galili

4. Beckett
   - Waiting for Godot

5. Edward Bond
   - The Sea

Paper III: (Novel II)

1. Conrad
   - Heart of Darkness

2. Joyce
   - Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man

3. Woolf
   - To the Lighthouse
4. Achebe
   - Things Fall Apart

5. Ahmad Ali
   - Twilight in Delhi

Paper IV: (Literary Criticism)

Practical Criticism

1. Aristotle
   - Poetics

2. Raymond William’s
   - Modern Tragedy

3. Catherine Belsey
   - Critical Practice

4. T.S. Eliot
   - Tradition and the Individual Talent

5. Philip Sidney
   - Apology for Poetry

***Romon Seldon
***- An Introduction to Literary Criticism


Paper V (Short Stories)

1. Sara Suleri
   - The Property of Women

2. Naguib Mahfuz
   - The Mummy

3. E.Allen Poe
   - The Man of the Crowd

4. Doris Lessing
   - African Short Story

5. Flannery O’Connor
   - Everything that Rises Must Converge

6. J.Joyce
   - The Dead

7. Nadine Gordimer    - Ultimate Safari
   - Once upon a time

8. Kafka
   - The Judgement

9. Achebe
   - Civil Peace

10. Okri
    - What the Tapster Saw

11. Hanif Qureshi
    - My Son the Fanatic

12. D.H.Lawrence
    - The Man who Loved Islands

13. W.Trevor
    - The Day

14. AliceWalker
    - Strong Horse Tea

15. V.S. Pritchett
    - The Voice
16. Brian Friel
    - The Diviner

17. H.E. Bates
    - The Woman who Loved Imagination

18. Ali Mazuri     - The Fort

19. Amy Tan
    - The Voice from the Wall

20. A.Chekov
    - The Man who lived in a Shell

21. Braithwaite
    - Dream Hatii

22. V.S. Naipaul
    - The Nightwatchman’s Occurrence Book

23. E. Hemingway
    - A Clean Well Lighted Place

PAPER VI: (Literature in English Around the World)

1. Lorca
   - House of Bernada Alba

2. Brian Friel
   - Translations


1. Nugugi
   - The River Between

2. Solzhynetsin
   - A Day in the life of Ivan Denisovitch


1. Taufiq Rafat    - Thinking of Mohenjodaro
   - The Stone Chat
   - The Last Visit

2. Daud Kamal
   - Reproduction
   - The Street of Nightingale
   - A Remote Beginning

3. Maki Qureshi
   - Air Raid
   - Kite
   - Christmas
   - Letter to my Sister

4. A. Hashmi
   - Encounter with the Sirens
   - Autumnal
   - But Where is the Sky?

5. Zulfiqar Ghose
   - Across India
   - February 1952
   - The Mystique of Root
   - A Memory of Asia

6. Shirley Lim
   - Monsoon History
   - Modern Secrets

7. Vikram Seth
   - Humble Administrators    - Garden

8. Anna Akhmatova
   - Prologue Epilogue

9. Derek Walcott
   - Far Cry From Africa

10. Ben Okri     - African Elegy

11. Achebe
    - Refugee Mother & Child
    - Mango Seed

12. Nasim Ezekiel
    - Night of the Scorpion
    - Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa

13. Moniza Alvi
    - The Country at my Shoulder

Paper VII (Linguistics)

Introduction, Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Stylistics.

Paper VIII: (Essay) Essay

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